
  • Claudia Sung


    Claudia (she/her) is a junior studying history and Asian American studies. She is from Virginia Beach, Virginia and has served as Secretary-General of the Stanford Model United Nations Conference and a Vice Captain for the Model UN Team. She is also part of the Stanford Decarceration Collective, Stanford Matriculate, and Stanford Housing Justice Working Group.

  • Gabriel Frank-McPheter

    Deputy Editor-in-Chief

    Gabriel is a junior majoring in Urban Studies and minoring in Poverty, Inequality, and Policy. He’s especially interested in housing law and policy, having researched, worked, and studied in the field. Ultimately, Gabriel wants to pursue a law degree to work in eviction defense, housing-related impact litigation, and/or policy. With SULR, Gabriel hopes to spread his passion and insights on the law as a tool for justice to others on the Stanford campus.

  • Jenna Jokhani

    Director of Publishing

    Jenna Jokhani is pursuing a major in Political Science with a minor in Symbolic Systems, focusing on Neuroscience. Upon graduation, she plans to attend law school to further her interests in economic policy, social behavior, and foreign investment law. In her free time, Jenna enjoys dancing, spending time with friends, and exploring new restaurants. She is actively involved in several organizations at Stanford, including serving as the Co-President of the Stanford Marketing Group and being a member of the executive board of the Stanford Pre-Law Society.

  • Grace Geier

    Director of Content

    My name is Grace and I'm in the class of 2025. I'm studying sociology, neuroscience, and sustainability. I'm particularly interested in political integrity, public health, and corporate accountability. I love our SULR team and appreciate the space this review holds for undergraduate contributions to civic space. I'm looking forward to reading the next perspectives on critical legal issues!